Saturday, 31 January 2015

January Music

I thought I'd start doing a monthly playlist of new music I've found and loved over the month- as it's usually one of my favourite features on other blogs I follow. 

So here's January's playlist! I think most of the songs I've been listening to have definitely got that winter vibe. I'm so happy Laura Marling and Emmy The Great have new music out. I'm not usually a big fan of The Charlatans but I'm really liking the songs I've heard so far off of their latest album.

If you've heard anything good recently feel free to let me know, I'm always on the lookout for new music.

My Favourite Commission- January

Most of the pieces of jewellery I make are personalised items for customers or commissions, which I really love making, so I thought I'd share my favourite one from each month on this here blog. 

This Lyra constellation bracelet was my favourite from January, the customer who it was for really loved it too and said "(It was) a surprise gift for my husband and it has turned out absolutely beautiful! Thank you so much for all your input and making the most wonderful of items for me. Love it, as will he!"

I'm thinking about adding it as a regular item to my shop too so let me know what you think!

Tuesday, 20 January 2015

Fed 2

I love a good vintage camera, one of my goals in life is to own a Leica M6 one day. But  alas, I don't have a spare £1500. Lukily for me I read online somewhere that the poor mans Leica is a Soviet Fed 2, even Picasso had one of these and if it's good enough for him then it's good enough for me! I found one for £30 on eBay so thought I'd give it a go. It arrived today, I'll let you know how the film I've just put in it turns out. I've never used a camera without a built in light meter before so it could be interesting! If anyone reading this has any tips please let me know.

Picasso with his Fed 2

Thursday, 15 January 2015

Ship Your Enemies Glitter

I just wanted to share the webiste Ship Your Enemies Glitter on here as it's possibly the best thing that has ever happened ever. Apparently a lot of other people think so too as orders have had to be temporarily suspended as they've received so many!

Tuesday, 13 January 2015

Style Tribes

Vanessa from Green Brick Vintage in Brighton, who stock a selection of Oh Someday Jewellery, was recently featured in The Telegraphs Style Tribes article. If you look really closely you can see that Vanessa's wearing a commissioned necklace I made for her (called The Nessa) made from Lapis Lazuli, brass and sterling silver. Here's a close up photo of it:

The Telegraph visited four of Britain's most creative and interesting places, to celebrate a small slice of what makes up British style today.You can see the rest of the feature here

Tuesday, 6 January 2015

Word Of The Year

I've been reading on a few blogs recently about having a word for 2015 (my main source of inspiration was over at Harper & Finch's blog), I think this is a great idea as I decided against having any New Years resolutions this year as I never keep them! My word for 2015 is going to be: endeavour. This year I want to try new things, do my best and have as many adventures as possible! I'd love to hear if you've got any New Years resolutions, or if you're choosing a word for your 2015?

Friday, 2 January 2015

Super + Super Brighton Etsy Window

Super+Super in Brighton currently have a Brighton Etsy Team window display featuring some Oh Someday Jewellery necklaces. I don't think the display will be around for much longer but it's well worth a look if you're in Brighton any time soon. 

Image credits Super+Super

Magnum Photos at The De La Warr Pavilion

The Magnum Photos: One Archive, Three Views exhibition is on at The De La Warr Pavilion in Bexhill until Sunday. I went and had a look yesterday and it's a really interesting and well curated selection of photos. All the photos are in black and white and were taken between 1940 - 2000, you can really notice the three different perspectives from the three curators. I really enjoyed it and it's always nice to go to the De La Warr Pavilion just because it's such a great building. If you're looking for something to do this weekend I'd definitely recommend a visit!

Thursday, 1 January 2015

Here's To Getting It Right in 2015

Inspired by all the talk on Brighton Etsy Hour (#btnetsyhour) about blogs and New Years resolutions I have decided to start my own. This isn't my first blog attempt so hopefully it'll be 10th time lucky to actually posting regularly/ posting things that other people will be interested in, so here we go! Happy New Year everyone, here's hoping 2015 will be the best yet!

Photo credit Noel Shiveley