Thursday, 20 August 2015

Etsy Blogger Sleepover

On Tuesday I took part in the Etsy Blogger Sleepover event! Etsy UK invited a group of bloggers down to Brighton to show them around this beautiful seaside city and then to come to the wonderful Lick Warehouse where a group of us Etsy sellers had set up work spaces to show how we made our wares! This was one of my first events as a Brighton Etsy Team Leader! As well as this the Brighton Etsy Team also put on workshops by Georgie St Clair and Karli from Designosaur. I took quite a few photos on the day and thought I'd share them below.

Here's my little work space:

Hello Dodo printed hundreds of these Brighton Up Your Day prints while we were there!

Georgie St Clair did a workshop where everyone made beautiful works of art from flower petals!

Karli from Designosaur hosted a workshop making colourful dinsoaur charm jewellery

The day was held in the wonderful Lick Warehouse,owned by Lick Yogurt (which is delicious by the way, if you ever get the chance to try some do!) here's a few photos from their space

It was so great to spend the day working with other Brighton Etsy Team members and see how they create their work! All the props and tables were made by Clare from In The Making Made , the space looked amazing! 

If you 'd like to see more pictures from the day and the bloggers weekend search on Instagram using the hashtag #etsybloggersleepover

Wednesday, 19 August 2015

My Favourite Customer Photo: July

I love this photo by Decoherent_blue of one of my Be Above It bracelets!

Interview With Making Magazine

I was recently asked a few questions by the lovely folk at Making Magazine! You can read the interview below and there are lots more from other creative people over on their blog

Jewellery designer Kate Holden lets us in on her metalwork musings...

What first sparked your interest in jewellery making?
I started making pieces of costume jewellery for myself when I was in school but didn’t truly discover a passion for jewellery design until around 5 years ago when I started evening classes to learn silversmithing. Learning about different types of metals and gemstones and how to work with them really interested me and made me realise the design possibilities with jewellery are endless. I really enjoy working with metal and the idea of the permanence of it is something that really inspires me too.  
Be Above It
What so far has been your biggest achievement?
My biggest achievement so far has been going full time self-employed at the end of 2013. Being able to work for myself has always been my dream, deciding to take the leap was pretty scary but it’s one of the best decisions I’ve ever made and I haven’t looked back.
If you weren’t a crafter, what would you be doing instead?
I don’t think I could be doing anything else! I’ve always felt the need to make things and I have to be doing something with my hands. I think creating things, anything, is so important.
IMG_7181 (2)
Are there any other crafts that you are passionate about?
I’m interested in woodwork and recently went on a woodland woodcarving workshop with Miscellaneous Adventures which was excellent. I’ve started making spoons but I definitely want to get better at working with wood and learning new skills, I’d like to eventually be able to make my own furniture and larger items. I also really enjoy taking photographs and love a good vintage camera.

What three words best describe you?
Independent, curious, optimistic

Tell us about your latest project
I’m currently working on my spring/ summer collection and making a few new designs that can be personalised. I love making personalised pieces and finding out the words that people choose to have on their jewellery is one of my favourite parts of the job. I also recently went on a metal engraving course, which I’m still practising, and hoping to be able to incorporate some hand engraving into my work in the future.
Where do you find your inspiration for new projects?
I tend to find my inspiration in the everyday to be honest. I’ll see an interesting shape when I’m walking around or I’ll be reading a book or listening to music and a particular phrase or idea will stand out to me and I’ll work from that. I’m a bit of a daydreamer so most of my ideas are thought up when I should be in the middle of doing something else, or late at night when I’m trying to get to sleep.

Tea and cake or pie and a pint?
It’s got to be pie and a pint. I’ve got cravings now, might have to have that for dinner tonight!
To see more of Kate's lovely jewellery, head over to her Etsy shop
All images from shop and Kate's Instagram, @ohsomeday.

July Playlist

(I've got this) Sanctioned Blues by Ultimate Painting

The Bird by Kathryn Joseph

Mountain At My Gates by Foals

Kathleen by Samantha Crain