I've just been told that The Booth Museum of Natural History in Brighton will be offering behind the scenes tours from May so I thought I'd post about the time I was lucky enough to be shown around by the wonderful Kerrie Curzon (she makes amazing pants, you should take a look at them here ). The Booth Museum was founded by Edward Booth in 1874 and it is all about birds, butterflies, fossils, bones and skeletons. It's probably one of the most interesting and at the same time strange and slightly disturbing places I've ever visited.
It was so intriguing to see what goes on behind the scenes of a museum. Kerrie was an excellent guide with her infinite knowledge of birds and stories about the museum and it's founder. It was also pretty great to be allowed to take photos of all the interesting things I saw. I thought I'd share some of them with you:

You can find out more about The Booth Museum here
Amazing photos Kate, such a treat to see behind the scenes of a place thats fascinated me since coming to Brighton. Thank you!